Are Cookies Hazardous To Your Privacy Summary

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Are cookies as invading to our privacy as we think? Well, in the story “How Private is Your Private Life” by Andrea Rock states that “Advances in technology have fostered an ever-growing assault on our private lives.” This means as we grow as a world and community our advances not only bring good things such as ways of communication and jobs but it will also bring with it privacy issues. Andrea also states,“When I visit to check out a book, a message on my computer screens says that the Web site is trying to place a cookie- a tag that identifies me to an Internet company. Also In the article “Are cookies Hazardous to Your Privacy?” it states “Hidden inside virtually every Internet browser are tiny files that may allow other to invade a …show more content…

They are cookies.” Cookies are legally allowed to be placed on websites so people can access them easily, but without cookies people may not be allowed to access these websites such as shopping websites and entertainment websites such as YouTube. Cookies are used between websites the share information of the user with that specific coded file(Cookie) this can be from interests and hobbies to to how many times the user visits a website monthly. Cookies are believed to be a invasion of privacy because on some websites it will ask you if you would like to continue even though there will be cookies added to their computer, but on the other hand some websites will just flat out give them to your computer without asking, this means info such as names, birth date, and relations with families and friends. To some degree cookies are ok, like giving name and interests, but when a website gives out personal info such as birthday and relations that is crossing the line and should be

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