Architectural Space: The Purpose Of An Architectural Space

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As Frank Lloyd Wright has said, “the mother art is architecture. Without an architecture of our own we have no soul of our own civilization.” Architecture matters beyond providing shelter, beyond fulfilling one needs and being functional. An architectural space is a significant tool which influences individuals’ behaviour mentally and spiritually through the experiences it provides. Architecture begins to shape one’s state of mind before the individual enters the space; however, entering the space evokes greater emotions, and observing the plan of an architectural space permits more understanding of the building.
One begins to sense the architectural space before he or she even takes the first step into it; regardless if he or she is paying …show more content…

As Johnson (1965) claims, “approach is only one aspect of processional, one moment of feeling. The next is the experience of entering, the shock of big space, or dark space, as it encloses (in time always) the visitor” (p. 168). One can understand from this that moving towards and through a building is all significant as it adds to the experience. As Goldberger (2009) restates this, “the nature and feel of the space within a building can mean as much as anything else about the building, and sometimes more” (p. 110). The purpose of an architectural spaces’ main function is only truly understood, once a person experiences it. One does not necessarily have to be an architect to understand architecture and connect with it, they are still able to “take pleasure in clarity and the rhythm of the buildings constructed” (Goldberger, 2009). Taking a walk inside York University’s Student Centre, one can feel the liveliness of the place, as it is used by many people for different purposes, such as group work, completing work individually, hanging out with friends, having lunch. As a person who visits this place on a regular basis, one tends to disregard the feeling that this place evokes, however, as a person who visits this place for the first time, is able to feel like a warm and welcomed. Also, the sky light in the centre of the building, which invites natural light, and the higher than average ceilings makes the space feel more open, which allow people to feel comfortable and not crowded despite the large number of people in the space. In addition to this, the exterior of this building does not incite a lot of feelings, as the interior does, for there is not a lot of activity on the outside. To conclude, one must enter and move through the space in order to truly comprehend and experience the

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