Archbishop Romero: A Hero or Not?

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Oscar Romero was born on August 15, 1917 in El Salvador. He was appointed Archbishop of El Salvador on February 23, 1977. When Romero was appointed as an Archbishop many priests were disappointed, especially those openly aligning with Marxism. On 12 March 1977, Rutilio Grande, a progressive Jesuit priest and personal friend of Romero who had been creating self-reliance groups among the poor campesinos, was assassinated do to what he was doing to help out the poor people in the community. His death had a profound impact on Romero, who later stated, "When I looked at Rutilio lying there dead I thought, 'If they have killed him for doing what he did, then I too have to walk the same path'". Romero urged the government to investigate, but they ignored his request. Romero started to investigate himself to see how he could help the people of the campesinos that have been kidnap. Later Romero spoke out against poverty, social injustice, assassinations and torture and the ones that were kidnap as political prisoners. When he spoke of this this brought many more enemies towards his way because they did no wanted a archbishop speaking of such things and saying that El Salvador government was not doing and this made the people with power furious and they decided to take actions in their hands. Also, Archbishop Oscar Romero utilized the broadcast as an oral newspaper: every documented case of killing, assault, disappearance, or torture – whether by the left or the right was broadcast. To let everyone know how El Salvador was and to show the ones with power that he was not afraid to talk about what was happening and why they weren’t doing their job in find out what was going on in the community.

In 1979, the Revolutionary Government Junta c...

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...hers bishops have not done and that was to challenge others authority. The military were against him because he did not listen to their treats and he still went against them.
Archbishop Oscar Romero was a very courageous man who was not afraid of what he did to help the poor and he also did not care who he had to go against when it came to helping defenseless people. He was one of many who fought for the rights of the people that need the most. He was a guardian angel that God sent the people from El Salvador because he stood by their side when many were against him and what he wanted to do was the best for them. He was one of few that did not care what could happen to him as long as he fulfill his duty and what he wanted to do. His death brought sorrow to many people because they knew that what he died for was a good cause and he was able to fulfill his destiny.

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