Antithesis In The Tempest

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Choice of words
Love: Throughout the Shakespeare’s The Tempest, the audience encounters different kinds of love. Perhaps the most profound of these is the relationship between a father (Prospero) and daughter (Miranda). Because of they are doomed to this island, Prospero raised Miranda and therefore protects her with everything he has. In the play, Prospero describes Miranda as a “cherubim” or little angel who keeps him going (I.ii.155). Their relationship and their love show Prospero’s more humane side, and represents that even though Prospero is an all powerful man, behind his actions is his love for Miranda.

Human: The word “human” is found 6 times throughout the play. Shakespeare selects this word, “human” to highlight the darker …show more content…

Throughout The Tempest, Shakespeare uses antithesis to represent opposition to express conflict. For example, in act 5, when Ferdinand discovers that his father is not dead, he says “though the seas threaten, they are merciful” (V.i.184). The use of antithesis become very important when the actors speak. Unless the antithesis is played by the actor, the meaning and force behind the speech is lost. The antithesis shape and clarify the thought behind the verse.

How do the words contribute to the idea/themes of the play?
All of the above elements of language contribute to our main concept of the Atkenson, Banks, Brockman, Soto version of The Tempest, and our UP Forgive. Love. Be Free. For example, Shakespeare’s word choice partners with our interpretation through the word love. Love is heard throughout the entire show 22 times and seen through every single character as some point or another. This constant element plays into the actor’s tactics as they reach toward their own super objective. For example, love drives through Miranda and her every decision. In the beginning, Miranda abides by her father without question because he is the only person she truly loves. However, once Ferdinand enters the picture, her kind of love shifts

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