Antisocial Personality Disorder Research Paper

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Introduction. Have you ever wondered what the deal is with little cousin Ricky? Why he can’t seem to control his impulses and gets angry so easily? Or have you ever wondered why no one talks about Uncle Ralph who managed to get arrested 12 times for stealing and then he ended up in prison that no one wants to talk about why? What about your dad’s brother, Bob, who once he gets a few beers in him he becomes easily angered and starts fights at the drop of a hat? He goes about smashing up things that aren’t his without any remorse. Sometimes you look at your life with all this going on and you wonder is EVERYONE’S life this way? The answer is not generally if you don’t have anyone in your family that is dealing with …show more content…

What Antisocial Personality Disorder is by definition is: a pervasive pattern of disregard for and violation of the rights, feelings, and safety of others that begins in childhood or early adolescence and continues into adulthood. (Introducing Psychology. Fourth Edition. Schacter, Gilbert, Nock, Wegner.) Some of the characteristics that are common are having a history of deception, crime, legal problems, impulsive and aggressive or violent behavior. Little emotional empathy or remorse for hurting others. They can be manipulative, careless, and callous. These people are at a high risk for substance abuse and alcoholism. (Introducing Psychology. Fourth Edition. Schacter, Gilbert, Nock, Wegner.) APD (Antisocial Personality Disorder) is diagnosed when a person’s pattern of antisocial behavior has occurred since the age of 15, an actual diagnosis can’t be done until the individuals are 18 years and older. It is hard to diagnose this disorder in childhood or adolescence, as a child or teen is under constant development, maturation, and personality changes. The DSM-5 says this disorder can not be diagnosed in people younger than …show more content…

Lack of remorse. Indicated by being indifferent to or rationalizing having hurt, mistreated, or stolen from another. ( By: Steve Bressert, Ph.D) Where does Antisocial personality behavior come from? The specific cause of ASP (antisocial personality disorder) are unknown. Some evidence points to inherited traits. Dysfunctional family life also increases the likelihood of antisocial personality disorder. It’s been said that environmental factors my contribute to its development. Some theories suggest that abnormalities in development of the nervous system may cause antisocial personality disorder. One theory suggests that people with antisocial personality disorder require greater sensory input for normal brain function. Evidence that antisocials hae low resting pulse rates and low skin conductance, and show decreased amplitude on certain brain measures supports this theory. Brain imaging studies have also suggested that abnormal brain function is a cause of antisocial personality disorder. The neurotransmitter, serotonin, has been linked with impulsive and aggressive behavior. Both the temporal lobes and the prefrontal cortex help regulate mood and behavior. Impulsive or poorly controlled behavior stems from a functional abnormality in serotonin levels or in these brain regions. ( By: Steve Bressert,

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