Anti-Islam Rhetoric In America

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Charles M. Blow takes a passionate stance on the poor social treatment of Muslim Americans and Islam in his column “Anti-Muslim is Anti-American”. His use of direct and indirect, and quotations are powerful allies to his opinion, automatically refuting any argument contrary to his. The prevalence of negativity toward Muslim Americans shows a troubling trend of scapegoating the most controversial minority within the country. Blow points out the considerable Constitutional and legal issues that stem from anti-Islam rhetoric, namely within conservative groups. Initially, Blow chooses quotations from Republican frontrunners in the race for political office to exemplify the attacks against Muslim Americans that have become increasingly common in the aftermath of radical Islamic terrorism. They are compelling. The leading Republican presidential candidate, Donald Trump, makes religiously intolerant and threatening remarks about his plans for treating Islam in America, stating he “. . . would have ‘absolutely …show more content…

With a language of freedom from oppression and equality for all, the Constitution is the holy book of America. However, Blow recounts Trump’s suggestions to impose a “temporary” ban on the entrance of Muslims to America, which is the precise opposite of the ideas so eloquently expressed in the Constitution. Besides clashing ideologically, some of the proposed “solutions” to the internal conflict over Islam in America clash legally with international law. As Blow cites from the Center for American Progress and the New York University School of Law’s Brennan Center for Justice, “In a thinly concealed attempt to inflame anti-Muslim attitudes, lawmakers in 32 states have moved to ban foreign or international law.” This stereotyping is socially damaging enough, without having the added negativity of illegal

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