Anthrax Informative Speech

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The topic of today is anthrax. You may ask what is anthrax, well anthrax is a communicable disease that originates in the soil therefore people who work with animals and their products get this fatal disease more commonly. Anthrax is rare today but people unfortunately people still get it today. Also you may ask why dose it affect people who work with animals more because the animal is in a field infected with anthrax spores in which infected plants grow then the animal eats an infected plant passing it to humans and other animals. Anthrax symptoms are not all internal or external it is a mix of both. After a few days after inhaling anthrax spores flu like symptoms begin. Some symptoms that are external are getting clusters of bumps or blisters that slowly will become a large sore with a black center on your neck, hands, or arms. Getting a fever and chills are not uncommon. Having a headache and a cough are also common. More symptoms are having chest pain, bloody diarreah, and coughing up blood. Having a sore throat and nausea are a couple more symptoms. Bluish skin, abdominal pain, and going into shock but there is more symptoms yet to go over. If you do not treat anthrax quickly it will release toxins which will cause your organs to swell and bleed. Vomiting and …show more content…

Other ways are having a bioterrorisim attack ocure or having an open wound an anthrax spore can land in that next thing you know you have anthrax. Another way is eating not fully cooked meat from an infected animal. Other ways of getting anthrax are inhaling spores that are floating around in the air or even just having contact with an infected animal can give you this fatal disease that can be passed from anything with spores or bacteria on it can get passed to anyone or anything which could result in any animant object getting

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