Antebellum America By William W Freehling Summary

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The radical push and pull on the national stage that Antebellum American muscled through outlined the disposition of the nation and it’s citizen. Antebellum American was torn in as far as the East is from the West primarily on the issue of slavery and its possible expansion in to other territories of the young nation. The essay by William W. Freehling brilliantly frames the political plight of Antebellum America, William W. Freehling extracts the core movements leading up to the American Civil War in his book Democracy and the Causes of Civil War .

The American South which was a collection of several states interpreted African slavery as a, “perpetual blessing” a self reproducing investment which proved immensely necessary within an agricultural …show more content…

In attempts to protect the southern ways of life, men suggested reopening up the Atlantic Slave trade in order to increase the number of African slaves in the United states and reinforce the oppressive institution of slavery, but this was denied. Other tactics used by the Southern elite class was a gag rule order that circulated in congress which would make it illegal for any public official to speak on slavery in terms of denouncing or dissembling it in public, private, or official assembly gatherings. This piece of legislation was dismissed by the U.S. government and set off vigorous tidal waves in the antislavery camp. Another boundary that the South clashed against was the Missouri Compromise William Freehling explains,”the Missouri Compromise of 1820, had prohibited slavery in all Louisiana Purchase territories north of the 36, 30 ‘ line. That man-made geographic boundary continued westward from the latitude of Missouri’s Southern border, thus barring slaveholders from living west of Missouri” The South wanted an appeal of the Missouri Compromise because it limited the body of where slavery was legal. The …show more content…

Blacks were not visually present, however, racism was very much apart of the cultural norm. The Northern American states had not been grossly dependent on slave labor in an economic field for a long time(antebellum period ). The Northern part of America was entering in to a industrialized union. Abolitionist had had a small but undeniable existence in the North. Men like Lloyd Garrison who published papers and preached about the evils of slavery existed in the North. The North had been politically strong armed by the Southern Democrats and were slowly gaining strong Northern advocacy in the years preceding the civil war. Political actors like J.Q.A. urged the Northern whig party members to stand up against the highly influential southern extremist. The different version of republicanism emerged in the years prier to the 1856 election. The idea of expanding slavery to western territories was fearful to many republicans because it mean’t Yankee farmers could possibly lose out to wealthy Slave owners. The Moral injustice of slavery was a distant transparent object in Northerners where as Southerners did not question the order of Anglo’s superior to

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