Another bit

527 Words2 Pages

Tick... Tock... Tick... Tock... The sounds of the grandfather clock faded into the rest of the ambience in the background. Juan could hear it, yet thought none of it. His heart was audibly beating. The glass wall behind him also let the sounds of birds and a running stream, and whatnot through. His office chair squeaked as he shifted, and the table and floor creaked along, too. Juan’s hands held the rim of his office desk as he pushed back in his chair from it. The light reflected on the mahogany wood moved as he did. Most wooden furnishings had been mahogany; the grandfather clock included. He stood up and leaned forward, supported by his arms on the surface. Looking down, he checked the flat desk calendar another time. The date hadn’t changed. His tongue quickly peeked out between his lips. He turned to briefly check his phone, as he pulled it slightly out of his front pant pocket. It read a time. He stood forward and placed his arm into sight, in front of his face. His wristwatch was revealed as he slid back the arm of his gray suit coat. It read a different time. Juan inhaled. He...

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