Annotated Bibliography On Solitary Confinement

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Annotated Bibliography Ho, Juliana . "Solitary Confinement." LawNow Magazine. CPLEA, 05 Jan. 2016. Web. 15 Mar. 2017. Juliana Ho the author of Solitary Confinement has published in the magazine Law Now. org on a number of topics like; Doctor Assisted Suicide and the Bedford case. Juliana is a 2nd year law student at Alberta LAw Volunteering for Pro Bono Students. Her pieces references a number of credible articles and organizations such as "The Origins of Unlawful Prison Polices" by Lisa Kerr which was published in the Canadian Journal of Human Rights, the civil liberties association, Corrections and Conditional Release Act and Bobbylee Worm. Overall the article talks about solitary confinement, the particular target on women in the system Lisa Kerr has written countless papers on the subject of prison rights and continues to advocate for their rights. This particular article was published in the Canadian Journal of Rights. The information used to write this meta analysis focuses on the data gathered all over Canada and the different laws a polices since 1992. Lisa Kerr's analysis of the prison system and solitary confinement focuses on the origin California Super Max, its introduction to the Canadian correctional system in 1992 and how it has evolved today.Through out the paper she mentioned important people like Bobbylee Worm an Aboriginal women in solitary for the majority of her sentence, significant legislation, Corrections and Conditional Release Act and psychological evaluations. The paper was written for scholars, graduates and other researchers looking for hight level thinking. This particular paper is extremely helpful when looking for significant for finding research of the most relevance i.e. significant names, polices and events.The paper is extremely helpful and great for supporting arguments. This paper lead me to more credible and useful The UN's objective is to protect the fundamental UN Charter. The majority of the information found on the website is media and news coverage of the UN meetings recapping the leaders comments and highlighting important discussions. Other things found on the website are the UN Charter,The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, etc... In this particular article the UN was asked to comment on Solitary confinement the common for of toucher as stated by the UN themselves in prisons across Canada. This reading is intended for anyone grades 8 and up the language and consent is simple and easy to understand. This article was particularly useful as it called out Canada for their unjust use of solitary confinement. The article brought to light all the negative aspects of this form of

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