Anne Frank Research Paper

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I swore never to be silent when ever and whenever humans beings endure suffering and humiliation we must always take sides neutrality helps the reader oppression never the victim silence encourages the tormentor never the -elie wisely the holocaust was when Adolf hitler and his nazi group viciously killed six million Jews. Anne frank and World War Two connect together the events of World War Two affect
Anne Frank and her family. let's see why the play of Anne frank and the timeline of World War Two reflect together that's what this essay is going to be about.

In the diary of Anne frank play there is a lot causes that were reflected to the timeline act one it stated that “ my father started a business,importing,spices and herbs every thing went well for us until 1949 then the war came” also an act one it said “it doesn't matter I don't want you ever to go beyond that door” finally in act one it said “ their eyes are on mr.frank wating for him to give them a signal that well release from their day long quite”this what happens in the play of Anne frank that reflects to the World War Two timeline;now let's talk about the timeline of World War Two. …show more content…

In 1933 Adolf hitler comes to power in in 1933 Anne's father moves them to the Netherlands for safety.also in 1935 the Nuremberg in Germany,stripping Jews of their rights as Germany citizens.thats not all in 1939 Germany invades Poland beginning World War Two. This what caused Anne Frank and her family to feel and act the way they

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