Anne Frank: Jewish Victim From The Holocaust

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I chose Anne Frank for my famous historical figure. Her real name was Annelies Marie Frank. She is one of the most talked about Jewish victim from the holocaust. Anne Frank was born on June 12th 1929 in Frankfurt Germany and she died in March of 1945. She died at the age of 15 just a few weeks before the war ended. Her family moved to Amsterdam in the early 1930’s when the Nazis took over control. Anne Frank and seven other family and friends remained in hiding for two years in a very small annex which was behind her father’s business. Her family had to rely on several coworkers of a close friend that worked at the shop below for food, supplies, and moral support. She wrote in her dairy day and night. She would write everything from little to big things. One page in her diary specifically stated about the workers downstairs “They come upstairs every day and talk to the men about business and politics, to the woman about food and war time difficulties, and to the children about books and newspapers. They put on their most cheerful expressions, bring flowers and gifts for birthdays and holidays, and are always ready to …show more content…

She wrote “I don’t think of all the misery but of the beauty that still remains” in her diary. She seemed to always be positive even though her life was at risk. Still to this day nobody knows which one of the Frank’s family friends betrayed them by telling the Nazi’s where they were hiding. Once they were found they were all sent to concentration camps where only Anne Frank’s father survived. One of Anne Frank’s accomplishments was her diary that put a positive effect on so many people around the world. She changed the lives of every person who read her diary, watched her

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