Animal Testing Proposal

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From the moment my English class was assigned the ‘Research Project Proposal’ assignment, I had a general idea of what I wanted to write my paper about. It’s something that it ties in perfectly with the class theme post(non)humanism, animal testing. With animal testing being such a broad and controversial topic, I knew that I needed to narrow it down to something more specific. With a lot of thought and preliminary research, I came up with my defined proposal. I want to research the effects of animal testing on the cosmetic market.
When thinking about my research proposal, there are many questions that come to mind. Using this proposed thesis, I plan to follow a path that answers questions such as: what types of cosmetics test on animals? …show more content…

First, it deals with the interaction of humans and animals. It shows how certain humans think and treat animals, and also how animals can benefit us. It tests the boundaries of humane and inhumane research while at the same time endangering the lives of animals and potentially saving the lives of humans. In addition to my personal interest and previous research on animal testing, this class inspired my idea through watching the film “The Rise of The Planet of The Apes” and also through the visual argumentation presentations of other students. “The Rise of The Planet of The Apes” captures a large, general sense of animal testing. In the movie multiple tests are performed on apes for a drug that could supposedly reverse the effects of Alzheimer’s. This film helped lead me to my thinking of the topic of animal testing in general. The visual presentations helped to further define and perfect my proposal. A few of the presentations dealt with the topic of animal testing, and one touched on the topic of certain cosmetic products that were and were not tested on animals. With interest, I decided to look more into the subject, finding how a large amount of companies still use this type of testing on animals. I also found a lot of shocking effects that these drugs can cause in its test …show more content…

First, I’d like to take a look at a couple documentaries. I’m not familiar with any particular documentaries, but I’m aware that there are many dealing with both animal testing and also with the testing of cosmetic products. After looking into these and building up a stronger knowledge foundation on the subject, I plan to look at journals, books, and online sources (such as and With the organization aspect, I plan to divide the overall research paper into different sections, working on them one at a time in order to ensure a more accurate paper, and a better overall product!
If I were to choose a hypothesis for this proposed topic, it would be that the effects of testing on animals presents negative and fairly irrelevant research toward the cosmetic market. I would think that most animals and humans are too different of species to compare results accurately. However, further in depth research should determine the validity of this

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