Animal Farm Monologue

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The ranch was noiseless and still with the morning, the countryside was so closely grassed over, it seems to be painted green and flicked with dew. The morning breeze tickled the trees and made them dance until there was another warm, humming quietness. Hidden within the grass crickets sang in harmony as the grass swayed in the breeze. All the trees were spread out reaching toward the blazing sun trying to grasp all the warmth.
The old ranch house cloaked in a thin sheet of dust over the old splintered wood. Flies buzzed around the fallen apples that had turned brown, rotting on the ground. The old wooden floors creaked with every step as George swung the tattered door on its rusted hinges into the morning. The door creaked as the rusted hinges …show more content…

The small shaggy puppy lay in the box curled up. His paws soft and round. The fur came past his eyes and curved around the little wet black nose that moved around sniffing the air. The little puppy wobbled up on this little legs and leaned up against the rim of the box. Standing on his hind legs he searched around before he saw Candy. He stood still as the little pup looked around the farm at the apple trees, the sheep, and the wooden rocking chair in the corner of the porch. Then his bright eyes the size of marbles looked at Candy for a long while until Candy reached down and smoothed out the fur above his …show more content…

Come ‘ere boy,” Candy shouted as he put his fingers to his lips and blew. He whistled three times and sure enough, the small puppy came skidding around the corner, his pink tongue flopping, and his once thick fur was blown back by the wind. The puppy reached Candy and licked his face all over knocking him over again. Candy burst out in laughter still trying to catch his breath, the puppy was all over him until George pulled him away and put the rope around his neck with a loose tie. While the puppy attached Candy with kisses he whispered to George, “Trust me, George, he’s

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