Andrew Jackson: One of the Most Influential Presidents of All Time

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Andrew Jackson’s influence on the politics of his time was remarkable. He was the only president to have an era named after him. He also changed the way this country was run and expanded the country’s borders. He changed much, but the four most important aspects of this era, in chronological order, were his victory over the British, his defeat in the presidential race of 1824, his successful presidential campaign in 1828, and his decision to remove Native Americans to land west of the Mississippi. His victory over the British in the Battle of New Orleans lifted his popularity exponentially. He was a newfound American hero, and this pushed his political ambitions towards the White House. In 1824 Jackson was defeated in a close presidential race, dubbed the corrupt bargain by his supporters. He was not a man who liked to lose, especially when he felt that the people wanted him as president. Consequently, he ran a successful campaign in 1828, becoming the seventh president of the United States. One of the most important decisions Jackson made in office was the removal of Native Americans to lands west of the Mississippi River. These four aspects of Andrew Jackson’s life and presidency shaped this era into the Jacksonian Era.

Andrew Jackson had already gained a reputation for being a fierce fighter and leader for his fighting with Native Americans by the time he fought in the Battle of New Orleans. However, the Natives were primitive, and the Battle of New Orleans was against the strong British Empire. In command of the British forces was Major General Lord Edward Pakenham, and his army consisted of hardened veterans who had fought the French. The American forces included active duty military, state militia, pirates, and free blac...

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Meacham, Jon. American Lion.




Claude Bowers, The Party Battles of the Jackson Period New York: The Chautauqua Press, 1922.


Meacham, Jon. American Lion.

Bumgardner, Georgia. "Political Portraiture: Two Prints of Andrew Jackson American Art". 4. 18 (1986), 22, (accessed July 26, 2011).

Thorpe, Francis. , The Statesmanship of Andrew Jackson . New York: Tandy-Thomas Com, 1909.

Prucha, Francis. "Andrew Jackson’s Indian Policy: A Reassessment The Journal of American History ". 3. 40 (1969), 527, (accessed July 26, 2011).

Remini, Robert. Andrew Jackson and His Indian Wars. New York: Penguin Group, 2002.

Prucha, Francis. . "Andrew Jackson’s Indian Policy: A Reassessment”

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