Andrea Elliot's Invisible Children

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When people think about homeless individuals, they think of people begging on the street, but not of the thousands of children located in public schools. When reading the “Invisible Child” in The New York Times, Andrea Elliott publicizes that not all homeless people are necessarily begging for money out on the street, but some are living without other people realizing their misfortune. Understanding that not all homeless people are begging for money relates to “The Narrative of Imagination” written by Martha Nussbaum which shows presenting people’s stories allows individuals to understand and empathize with other’s perspectives, resulting in people becoming more open- minded. She believes that empathy develops from sharing stores and people …show more content…

Elliot tells the story of Dasani, an eleven-year-old living with seven siblings, mother, and father all in one room in the Auburn Family Residence, a worn out city-run shelter for the homeless (Elliot). Auburn Family Residence is covered in mold, roaches, feces, and is where predators prey on small children (Elliot). Dasani takes care of her family, mostly her baby sister, making sure she can give her all she needs. Her parents, Chanel and Supreme, are dysfunctional, unemployed, and have a history of arrest and drugs abuse (Elliot). Although Dasani’s life is very tragic, she still has hope that not only she can make it out of this lifestyle, but also her family will be able to make it out as well. Even though Dasani is homeless, she still manages to go to Susan S. McKinney Secondary School of the Arts, where most students are black and live in the surrounding projects (Elliot). In this first part of Dasani’s life, Elliot describes how teachers believe that Dasani is intelligent, even though she sometimes gets in trouble. Since her parents are unemployed, on a good month they receive around a few hundred dollars, but never seem to make it last (Elliot). Not only does this story include very descriptive details about Dasani’s life, but it also includes unsatisfactory descriptive pictures of Dasani’s home and school. In this mini-series, Elliot was open to a lot of criticism because of how she depicts Dasani's life. (Add another or two sentence about

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