And Then There Were None by Agatha Chrisitie

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1. Everyone on the island begins to lose their minds once people begin to die. For example, General McArthur begins to speak to Vera about, “waiting for the end” (pg. 81) and, “No one is leaving the island” (pg. 82) once Anthony Marston and Mrs. Rogers die. He is coping with the terror by trying not to care, and thinking about his dead wife Leslie. However, he is finally killed when sitting alone, watching the waves. His death causes even more chaos and terror among the remaining seven. Dr. Armstrong does not cope well either, and “breaks out into nervous torrents of speech” (pg. 136) and was a “pitiable condition of nerves” (pg. 136) until he was finally killed. He is pushed off a cliff and drowns.

2. Because this was a mystery novel, foreshadowing was very heavily used in the book. Foreshadowing is very useful in a mystery novel, because a mystery novel is all about suspense, and foreshadowing is a great tool to increase the suspense. One of the biggest foreshadows was the “big black hook” (pg. 148) on the ceiling of Vera’s room, which she will eventually use to kill herself. However, there were other examples of foreshadowing, including Vera’s first sight of Indian Island. She concludes it looks sinister (pg.16), and that hints at the troubles to come. Theres also the old man on the train that tells Blore that “his day of judgement is close at hand” (pg.11), which hints that Blore will soon die. And there's the very obvious “10 little indians poem” (pg. 22) which hints at the very near deaths of each of the guests on indian island.

3. Most everyone was shocked, defensive, and angry when there crime was announced to the guest. Everyone except Emily Brent. Emily Brent felt she “had nothing with which to reproach herself”...

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... disappearing and the “indian games” (pg.114)

10. After reading this book, you will have a very different outlook on Judges. Justice Wargrave had a very interesting outlook on justice, and was a very deceitful man. You would think he would be a very honest and truthful man, because hes a judge. He believes in the “right prevailing” (pg.184), he's in law, he's got a “strong sense of justice” (pg.184), and he seems like an overall normal judge. However, if you look into the other side of Wargrave, youve got a man who loves causing death to the guilty, and daydreams about “ingenious ways to carry out murder” (pg. 185). Killing people who committed crimes unpunishable under the law satisfied both his desire to murder and his desire to carry out justice for wrong doing. It helps you to understand justice to him is seeing the guilty suffer, and the right prevail.

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