And Then There Were None Theme Essay

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All guests who have committed sins, that are not illegal, are welcome to soldier island a place they will never leave. A mysterious adventure ten guests experience; no one can be saved, no one survives, and the killer is one of them. Red hearings are presented to the guests at their first dinner, the characters are exposed and truths are revealed. Each character slowly dies one by one until there is no one left. Each character's death follows an old nursery rhyme about the deaths of little soldier boys. Every time a death occurs one of the little soldier boy statues disappears. The killer decides to take justice in his own hands and kill these sinful people, he even killed himself. Agatha Christie takes her readers on an adventure that will never be solved until the killer's manuscript was discovered. In “And Then They Were None”, Agatha Christie creates suspense and mystery through the development of psychological traits in characters. Agatha Christie presents human personality under pressure of guilt in characters through external innocence. The guests struggle with guilt internally through their conscious, dreams, and memories. Specifically, Vera and Emily struggle with the most guilt internally but seem to be the most innocent. Vera was deeply in love with a man, …show more content…

The isolation of the island indicates hidden truths will be revealed and sinners will be punished. Guests will stay in a mansion that is modern and filled with natural light; these aspects of the venue suggest truths to be revealed. However, since this modern mansion is isolated it allowed these hidden truths to be kept a secret from the world. Since the guests are not able to receive help from people outside of the island they have to protect themselves; this explains the law of the jungle. For example, Lombard brought his own gun to the island which later leads Vera to kill Lombard with his own gun before he had the chance to

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