Ancient Greek Essay

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Ancient Greece has had a very large impact on our lives today. Not only has their famous political ideas influenced us but also their language, medical advancements, technological innovations, and culture. As their findings and teachings were published, others continued to expand, adapt, learn from, and critique them. The world would not be as advanced or as knowledgeable as it is today, without the initial discoveries of the ancient Greeks.
The Ancient Greek language was one of the building blocks for the development of Latin, Cyrillic, and many more languages. Many English words, especially scientific words, have their origins in the Greek language, such as anthropology, bronchitis, and dermatitis. The Greek language included extensive vocabulary. For example, the word “love” has three different words, each with different meanings in the Greek language. The Greek language that was used in ancient documents included words and concepts that were the foundation of western philosophy. The word philosophy comes from an ancient Greek word “philosophia,” which means “love of wisdom.” “Roughly 60% of all English words and 90% of technical and scientific terms are derived from Ancient Greek and Latin.” (Why Study Greek?). Binomial nomenclature, which we use today to classify animals and plants, is based on the Greek and Latin languages.
Alexander the Great had a huge impact on Ancient Greek civilization and on the world today. His army traveled over five thousand miles and built an empire from Greece to India. Alexander appointed Greek rulers in the towns he conquered, which caused the Greek language to spread through the known world. Early documents that were written in the Ancient Greek language became widespread as ...

... middle of paper ... has its impact earlier. Hitler used the kind of same government in the Germany. Also, some of the things that Spartans had invented was the two king theory which has been adapted in modern world as well. They invented two kings so that one king could go in the war and other could handle the government. Likewise, in modern time we have president and vice-president. Vice –president is meant to handle all the situations when the president is outside .Moreover Spartans had invented an assembly of people to help their king and the same concept we have in our modern time where there are many political leaders to help the main leader or president. On the whole, the GREEKS were very smart in their politics as compare to the time they were in. They had invented so many government policies which are still used actively off course by improving all of them in a large extent.

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