Analyzing Themes In John Steinbeck's Of Mice And Men

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There are many themes in the book “Of Mice and Men” by John Steinbeck, including the theme that comes from the poem “To a Mouse” written by Robert Burns. Near the end of the poem Burns writes “The best laid schemes of mice and men oft go awry” which is said to have been the inspiration of Steinbeck when writing his book. That quote is saying, that all plans between mice and men often get messed in some sort of way, shape or form. To help understand how “Of Mice and Men” relates to Burn’s quote think of The character Lennie from Steinbeck's book as the mouse. Lennie, has a mental disorder, and that makes him not as educated as some of the other characters, sort of like how a mouse is very uneducated compared to a human. One thing that makes him different is that he doesn’t know he was doing something bad until after he did it. Like on page 92, Lennie says “I shouldn’t of did that.George’ll be mad.” In a way, Lennie has the mental capability of a small child, despite his size. Whenever he has something good going for him, he often messes it up. Back when him and George worked in Weed, he scared The Girl In The Red Dress, so they had to leave the job site.Then when they found work again he ended up messing it up once more by accidentally killing Curley’s …show more content…

Whenever George and Lennie finally get close to achieving their “American Dream” something has gone wrong every single time. Often like how Humans kill mice, George had to kill Lennie. Curley says on page 98 “I’m gonna shoot the guts out of the big bastard myself, even if i only got one hand. I’m gonna get ‘im.” so lennie had to shoot Lennie or things would have gotten worse. This shows that just like the quote “ The Best laid Schemes of mice and men oft go awry” from Robert Burns Poem, is the theme of “Of Mice and Men” because just like the poem was saying all plans between mice and men, get messed

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