Analyzing Sundiata's Poem 'Barbie Doll'

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In the poem “Barbie Doll”, two techniques that were used in stanza 3 are; a dark tone and a dramatic monologue. The dramatic monologue represents the idea of society telling the woman that she needs to exercise and diet and play coy etc., in order to have a body size the is “acceptable”. The dark tone represents the idea that the woman was not accepted by society due to her body image. Society pressured her to do things that would make her ‘thin’ in size, and looking like a Barbie doll. In the end she committed suicide because she was overwhelmed by all the pressures that society had placed on her.
In the poem “Blink Your Eyes”, two techniques that I identified are ironies and tone. In the last stanza (stanza 5), it states, “can’t no bruthas drive outdoors, in certain neighborhoods, on particular streets near and around certain types of people”. (Sundiata,). This is the irony of the barriers that people of color are faced with. The law believes that they are dangerous because of the color of their skin. In terms of tone, I was able to identify two types of tone. The first is a happy tone. Here the narrator describes his luxurious car and how he was happy to go home to see his lover. The …show more content…

Enough light is not being shed on body shaming. The media and society is far too busy creating ways for women to look like a super model. Absolutely nothing is wrong with wanting to be a super model. The problem is that too many women, especially young girls, are not being taught to love themselves and embrace their natural beauty. Having younger nieces terrifies me, because at the ages of 4 and 6 they already like the idea of wearing lipstick and hair extensions. The journey ahead is long, but your poem is a start. Many lives can be saved with just a quick read. Thank you for acknowledging the tragedy of body shaming and sharing it with the rest of the

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