Analysis of Database Management and Information Retrieval Systems

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Differentiate between database management system and information retrieval system by focusing on their functionalities.

Database Management Systems or in short form called DBMS is the major component in most of the information systems. DBMS is the basic system been used in the information system. Or in the other name, DBMS is the traditional way. The Information Retrieval System or IRS is the extended function from the DBMS thus we can explain it here that IRS is came from the DBMS. There will be some differences between Database Management System and Information Retrieval System in the functionalities and uses.
There are three types of Database Management System which are the relational Database Management System, the non-relational Database Management System and Object Oriented Database Management System. The relational DBMS is the most widely accepted Database Management System nowadays. The non-relational DBMS that are in large scale are still in use while the Object Oriented DBMSs are in development. Besides, more and more DBMSs are supporting basic multimedia storage and retrieval facilities.
Information retrieval system is the most advance system and facilities as it is usually use for accessing large document and text databases. According to Hoogeveen, M.J., & Van der Meer, K. in their journal name Integration of Information Retrieval and Database Management in Support of Multimedia Police Work written in 1994 stated that Information Retrieval System or IRS is the most exclusive domain of Information storage and Retrieval Systems.
Y.Y. Yao in the journal Information Retrieval Support Systems stated that Information Retrieval System or IRS in short is different with Database Management Systems. The Information...

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...ctured data and extract the essential information. These can include hardware or software solutions that enable them to make the most efficient use of their available storage space. The main benefit of these tools is the ability of the system to gather actionable information that can and will help a business to succeed in a competitive environment.

The above information is retrieve at the website

Works Cited
Yao, Y. (2002, May 12-17). Information Retrieval Support Systems. The 2002 IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence, 1092-1097.
Hoogeveen, M. &. (1994). Integration of Information Retrieval and Database Management in Support of Multimedia Police Work. Journal of Information Science, 79-87.

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