In this paper I will identify and analyze the Wells Fargo scandal as it pertains to the breakdown of leadership and ethics. I will first identify and analyze the event and discuss the challenges and conflicts the scandal presented. Then I will evaluate the issue by explaining why the issue has interest and concern to stakeholders followed by discussing the challenges presented to individuals and/or organizations around this case. Lastly, I will recommend action steps that should be taken to those involved as well as discuss what I have learned from exploring this topic.
Identify and Analyze The Wells Fargo scandal started in 2016 when it came to light that starting back in 2011 employees created over 1.5 million fraudulent bank
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According to Milton Friedman’s view of individualism “what corporations have the obligation to do is make a profit within the framework of the legal system, nothing else” (Machman, 1994, pg. 57) is what position Wells Fargo took in this case. According to this theory Wells Fargo leadership was acting ethically because their goal was to make a profit which they did, and it was “bad employees” who were to blame and committed the fraud. The Utilitarianism theory by John Stuart Mill states that “utilitarianism is attempting to do the greatest good for the greatest number of people. “(Johnson, C, 2016, p. 4). According to this theory I believe Wells Fargo would be unethical because they didn’t do the greatest good for the greatest number of people whom were affected. In fact, they did the opposite by acting unethically to the greatest number of people which were their …show more content…
This concern of integrity and organizations like Wells Fargo to do what is right stems from our personal ethical framework. We all have one which helps us decide what is right and what is wrong. It is this decision that is a concern for organizations that must be managed on a day to day basis. Company’s such as Wells Fargo are so big that bad ethical behavior may be overlooked and not dealt with until the damage has already been done. Other organizations need to learn from Wells Fargo and start addressing their own organization ethical framework. This would include the organizational culture, business strategies, employee ethics concerns and the overall ethics and decision-making
Wells Fargo account fraud scandal One of the most recent white-collar crimes involved Wells Fargo, a banking and financial services provider. In 2016, San Francisco-based bank Wells Fargo (WFC) employees secretly created millions of unauthorized bank and credit card accounts without permission of their customers. Opening about 1.5 million fraudulent deposit accounts and submitting 565,443 credit card applications allowed Wells Fargo employees to boost their sales targets and receive bonuses. Consequently, customers were wrongly charged fees for accounts they did not know existed. In this business crime scenario, Wells Fargo is involved in paying $185 million in fines and refunding $5 million to affected customers.
One of the most recent white-collar crime involved Wells Fargo, a banking and financial services provider. In 2016 San-Francisco based bank Wells Fargo (WFC) employees secretly created millions of unauthorized bank and credit card accounts without permission of their customers. Opening about 1.5 million fraudulent deposit accounts and submitting 565,443 credit card applications allowed Wells Fargo employees to boost their sales targets and receive bonuses. Consequently, customers were wrongly charged fees for accounts they did not know existed. In this business crime scenario, Wells Fargo involved to pay $185 million in fines and refund $5 million to affected customers. Also, around 5,300
One year ago, on September 8, 2016 the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau(CFPB), the Los Angeles City Attorney and the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) fined Wells Fargo Bank $185 million, alleging that more than 2 million bank accounts or credit cards were opened or applied for without customers' knowledge or permission between May 2011 and July 2015. This essay will discuss the Wells Fargo scandal by explaining how the event happened and describing how the organization approached handling a response to the crisis. This will be seen, firstly by describing the how the scandal happened, and what were the causes, secondly by discussing the reaction of the company in front of the situation, how they dealt with the crisis and then
Many organizations have been destroyed or heavily damaged financially and took a hit in terms of reputation, for example, Enron. The word Ethics is derived from a Greek word called Ethos, meaning “The character or values particular to a specific person, people, culture or movement” (The American Heritage Dictionary, 2007, p. 295). Ethics has always played and will continue to play a huge role within the corporate world. Ethics is one of the important topics that are debated at lengths without reaching a conclusion, since there isn’t a right or wrong answer. It’s basically depends on how each individual perceives a particular situation. Over the past few years we have seen very poor unethical business practices by companies like Enron, which has affected many stakeholders. Poor unethical practices affect the society in many ways; employees lose their job, investors lose their money, and the country’s economy gets affected. This leads to people start losing confidence in the economy and the organizations that are being run by the so-called “educated” top executives that had one goal in their minds, personal gain. When Enron entered the scene in the mid-1980s, it was little more than a stodgy energy distribution system. Ten years later, it was a multi-billion dollar corporation, considered the poster child of the “new economy” for its willingness to use technology and the Internet in managing energy. Fifteen years later, the company is filing for bankruptcy on the heels of a massive financial collapse, likely the largest in corporate America’s history. As this paper is being written, the scope of Enron collapse is still being researched, poked and prodded. It will take years to determine what, exactly; the impact of the demise of this energy giant will be both on the industry and the
Corporate crime has become increasingly common over the past couple of decades. It seems that every big corporation today has some type of dark side. With the constant trials against corporate officials it seems that many high profile companies can no longer be trusted. We can no longer look at our banks the same either; JPMorgan Chase in the recent two years can be added to corporate crime list. They have committed crimes against its costumers and the government by rigging their bids for investments for years, improper home insurance rates, and overcharging military veterns. From this they stole millions of dollars to put in their pockets. What makes this case interesting is that Chase is one of the top banks in this country. Millions of Americans trust this bank with their life savings it turns out they trusted their money with criminals.
From big financial and ethical scandals like Enron to WorldCom, Wells Fargo may be the next big financial and ethical scandal. Wells Fargo used to be one of the leading banks and credit lending companies in America. Now, they’re on a slippery slope downhill to one of the worst—and most unethical—banking and credit lending companies in America, maybe even in the world. Wells Fargo has been in an ethical uproar, has questionable ethical values, and questionable principles and practices in culture due to their downhill ethical standards. The company also may have been influenced by bad stakeholder judgment, and are now struggling to maintain the company’s culture. To give a description of business ethics as described by John Fraedrich, “business
Key stakeholders are owners, directors, employees, and the community that the organization draws it resources,2016). Out of the 1000 Wells Fargo customers that were surveyed 3% stated that they were personally affected by the scandal and 14% of them stated that they have changed banks while 30% of them were currently looking to switch. Studies predict that Wells Fargo could lose about $99 billion in deposits and $4 billion in revenue because of customers rejecting to do business. Individual customers weren’t the only ones that were affect by the scandal but similarly 10,000 small businesses (Razin, 2016). I believe that the owners will be affected as well because of profit losses that will eventually affect Wells Fargo shares and the employees were affected after 5,300 of were fired (Razin,
Ethics policies are implemented in almost all businesses. Companies search for candidates that will be moral in their actions so they can ensure long-term financial success. Throughout history we have seen businesses fall due to unethical behavior. In recent years the business Enron Corporation is best known for the scandal that led to the bankruptcy of a company with more than 60 billion dollars in assets. We will examine the circumstances that led to the downfall of Enron, how the scandal was realized, as well as the outcome of one of the largest bankruptcies in American history; a case that exemplifies unethical professional behavior.
Ethical behavior is behavior that a person considers to be appropriate. A person’s moral principals are shaped from birth, and developed overtime throughout the person’s life. There are many factors that can influence what a person believes whats is right, or what is wrong. Some factors are a person’s family, religious beliefs, culture, and experiences. In business it is of great importance for an employee to understand how to act ethically to prevent a company from being sued, and receiving criticism from the public while bringing in profits for the company. (Mallor, Barnes, Bowers, & Langvardt, 2010) Business ethics is when ethical behavior is applied in an business environment, or by a business. There are many situations that can arise in which a person is experiencing an ethical dilemma. They have to choose between standing by their own personal ethical standards or to comply with their companies ethical standards. In some instances some have to choose whether to serve their own personal interests, or the interest of the company. In this essay I will be examining the financial events surrounding Bernie Madoff, and the events surrounding Enron.
These ethical decisions are real-life situations where they are forced to make on a daily basis. This is why it is ultimately important that all employees know the six steps to ethical decision making that the company uses. The selected issue for the paper is where an employee has not given their current or potential customers accurate information when opening accounts or requesting new services from Washington Mutual. When a person is in the workplace, proper business ethics is used on a daily basis. An employee can make ethical decisions by applying their critical thinking skills to the situation, they can ensure that the decision that they make is the right decision.
Company Culture Scandal Wells Fargo has been a trusted bank by many Americans across the country, but the recent scandal has caused many to question the company’s ethics and culture. In recent weeks, there has been an abundance of time spent questioning Wells Fargo for illegal activity within the bank. The chief executive of the company John G. Stumpf did not believe the company was to blame, but that the employees were responsible for the scandal (Cowley 1).
During the past year Wells Fargo, a well-recognized bank of the United States, has been trying to clean its name and the mess it got itself into, when it was brought to the public that the bank was involved in generating fraudulent checking and savings accounts for its clients without their knowledge or their authorization. “The way it worked was that employees moved funds from customers' existing accounts into newly-created ones without their knowledge or consent”
To provide an example of a breach of ethical conduct in the workplace, we may remember the case of a financial manager in a corporation that decided not to pay overtime to some employees. After a deep outside investigation, the company was summoned with thousands of dollars to remedy the payment that was supposed to be paid to all employees who worked more than forty hours per week. Again, it is needed more than just a booklet stating that the company adheres to the code of business ethics. It is needed serious managers that can run the company with the most seriousness as possible. Consequently, any written codes of business ethics, regardless of how well it has been crafted, need people that adhere to its internal content with a serious desire to do the right thing.
I discovered how sticking to one’s morals should be the topmost priority for everyone involved in business, whether personal or professional. Regardless of what the consequences may be, the intensity of the problem, and the complexities it may bring, sacrificing one’s integrity should never be an option, as integrity goes hand-in-hand with the morals of an individual (Duggan & Woodhouse, 2011). They further go on to say that having individuals take part in building a code of ethics that supports employee integrity, they will act ethically. Also, I believe that companies should place more emphasis on the moral behavior of their employees, and clear-cut policies should be set regarding such ethical situations. Furthermore, I realized how serving justice while making decisions really helps in the long run, and that opting to go for the ideal rather than they deserved is not always the best option, and could hurt a company in more than one
Ethics is the responsibility of each individual person, but starts with the CEO and the Board of Directors, setting the right tone at the top and moves down through the organization, including setting the tone in the middle. A company’s culture and ethic standards start at the top, not from the bottom. Employees will almost always behave in the manner that they think management expects them, and it is foolish for management to pretend otherwise (Scudder). One of the CEO’s most important jobs is to create, foster, and communicate the culture of the organization. Wrongdoings or improper behavior rarely occurs in a void, leaders typically know when someone is compromising the company