Analysis Of The Real Beauty Campaign

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Dove started the campaign “ Real Beauty” in 2004 . The campaign’s objective was to change the women’s perception for their definition of beauty. The Dove Real beauty campaign is a marketing campaign established in order to widen the definition of beauty as well as provoke discussion on what our society deems beautiful.” The campaign consists of 4 stages of advertising. The first phase placed initial advertisements that focus on featuring women of all ethnic groups and shapes . The second phase uses commercial advertising on television it targets young women . The third phase uses print advertisement that targets older women on the 50+ age range. The last, phase of the campaign is a video that has been trending on social media across the world. In 2004, Dove employed researchers to conduct a survey in order to study how much women are satisfied with their own beauty . As a result 2% of women that where interviewed in the 10 countries chose the word beautiful to describe themselves, and very few chose the word gorgeous and sexy ” (Ercoff,2010). The Dove Campaign for Real Beauty was created soon after with the hope of raising that 2%statistic. After two years, in 2006, the second phase of the Real Beauty Campaign reached out to young teenagers specifically girls, who watch TV commercials instead of looking at advertisements in women magazines. This was done through commercial advertising. According to Dove this part of the campaign was impelled by Spain’s ban of overly thin runway model’s of the weekly fashion show in 2006 ( Spain was the first country in the world to ban under weight and stick thin models .It was said that the fashion week in Madrid turned away from underweight models after the girls and young women ... ... middle of paper ... shots show salads and healthy foods being eaten before the girl on the scale is shown gaining and loosing weight yet again. The video then quickly shows the girl in front of the toilet purging the food she just ate. Finally, “Onslaught” focuses on plastic surgery. The video shows rapid-fire shots of women going under the knife for cosmetic procedures such as breast implants, lip fillers and Botox. At the end of the film, a group of 6 young girls are shown walking across a crosswalk followed by white font stating “Talk to your daughter before the beauty industry does.” The film ends with the same red haired girl shown in the beginning walking across the same crosswalk alone, erasing the words on the screen. In here again we have Pathos, were the audience will be emotionally evolved about the fact that fear emotions are being represernted.

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