Analysis Of The Photograph 'La Fleur'

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Brianna Schmidt
Mrs. Taylor
ENG 101
15 February 2017
Peace Versus War The spirit of the 1960's anti-war movement was perfectly captured by Marc Riboud in his photograph, La Jeune Fille a la Fleur. This picture is a astonishingly accurate representation of peace and innocence versus the destruction of war. While attending an anti Vietnam War rally outside of the pentagon on a Saturday afternoon in late October, 1967, photographer Marc Riboud noticed 17 year old Jan Rose Kasmir speaking to some soldiers. Riboud recalls, “I had the feeling the soldiers were more afraid of her than she was of the bayonets.” Intrigued by the scene he saw, a young woman extending her kindness to the enemy, Riboud snapped a few pictures. Kasmir states, “...I realized 'them' was that soldier in front of me- a human being I could just as easily have been going out on a date with” Her realization and tenderness created a memorable scene for this iconic photograph. …show more content…

The warm, fading light helps create an atmosphere of peace while the stony countenance of the soldiers' faces represent war, pain, and suffering. The close, angled view of the photograph give us a clear picture of a young woman placing a flower in a rifle bayonet. The flower - although small and rather average - is the main focus of the image. Its soft, gentle shape clashes strongly with the bayonet - a weapon of war used for murder- and provides a symbol of amity and serenity among destruction. The photo's main focus is on the girl, the flower, and the bayonet. The rest of the picture is blurred to create a gentle and soft

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