Analysis Of The Negro Speaks Of Rivers

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I am going to reanalyze Langston Hughes’s poem, “The Negro Speaks of Rivers.” I will be analyzing how his use of tone, Symbolism, and metaphors give the reader a greater understanding of this poem. After conducting this additional analysis my understanding of the poem has increased. Moreover, I understood the importance of timing within the poem. This increased understanding has led me to revise my week four poem. Because, the essence of this poem was not correctly explained nor did I appreciate the deep thought that was applied in writing this poem. The main differences between the week four and todays revision is I chose to focus on the writing style and relating it to the poems learning outcomes. Because of this my thesis was revamped along with the supporting evidence. Despite the revision, the organization of my presentation has not changed. I found writing this paper was harder to write due to the length of the poem. Additionally, having to develop a new perspective to analyze became a challenge because I have previously written on this topic. This essay is strong in content and it will validate my thesis statement. I do not believe there is a weakness in this essay.

I’d ask that my professor examine my content for clarity and comprehension. In addition, I would like the professor to address my thesis statement and my opening paragraph. I want to ensure that my interpretation of the poem, “The Negro Speaks of Rivers” is correct. Lastly, inspect the essay for proper MLA formatting techniques, in text citations, and the work cited page for accuracy.

Cory Jamison

Cory Jamison

Dr Macon

ENGL 200

February 27, 2014

Langston Hughes was an influential figure during the Harlem Renaissance. He was...

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...e. His use of metaphors was both elegant yet simplistic in creating imagery for the reader. Additionally, there were no wasted words in this poem. This speaks to his artistry and his ability to create simple sentences that have profound meanings. Langston Hughes writing style in “The Negro Speaks of Rivers,” proved to be versatile and unique.
Langston Hughes is a profit of his time. He was a motivator, a poet, an innovator, a Negro who was accepted by blacks, whites, women, and men during the Harlem Renascence. Langston Hughes did not always follow the rules of poetry. However, he had a Cunning ability to create poems in a fashion that challenged the minds. By using tone, symbolism, and metaphors Langston Hughes deliver a timeless poem, named “The Negro Speaks of River.” Though his innovative techniques the reader can discern the beauty of African America heritage.

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