Analysis Of The Last Hunt Of Doraex

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The Art of Exposition in “The Last Hunt of Dorax”
Throughout the short story “The Last Hunt of Dorax” many scenes are exposited upon in great detail in an effort to draw the reader deep into the weave of words spun by the author. Even though she used few words I often found the settings described by Olive Huck to be exceptionally beautiful, often reminding me of my own experiences in the brush lands of east Texas and southern California. Reading her work, I can truly see and feel the detail around me, pulling me in, forcing me to become invested in her characters and the outcome she has planned. After reading this short story there can be no doubt that the written word is art and in the hands of an artist such as Olive Huck can be arranged …show more content…

When she describes the three-legged ram as being untroubled by the loss of his leg, it becomes easy to visualize the ram limping along in front of the other rams, setting the pace as the head of the herd. When the air is described as having a wooly taint that has lingered after the rams passing, you can actually smell it, breathe it in, and feel like you are physically there experiencing such a thing for yourself. This is the first paragraph and Olive Huck has already shown a firm grasp of the concept “show don’t …show more content…

“Although wary, Dorax kept wide-eyed vigil on this glorious white night, when the white, semi-tropic moon silvered every object with its own purity” (4) As I read the quote above I couldn’t help but remember all the nights I had spent outside staring at the moon, and as I relived those scenes from my past I couldn’t help but wonder if perhaps Dorax and I shared more than just common scenery, maybe we shared a mood or mindset as well. As the thought crossed my mind I found myself feeling as one with Dorax. Even knowing the end of the story, I felt the immersion into Dorax’s life to be a very happy and pleasant experience. This is because even as a dog I feel Olive did a great job of making sure the reader could relate and feel Dorax. I believe this speaks wonders about Olive Huck’s writing ability and empathy towards all she

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