Analysis Of The Holocaust: Genocide Table: The Holocaust

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Social Justice 12: Genocide Table:
The Holocaust:
The holocaust was an extremely horrifying event in world history. Countless innocent citizens were killed and an entire race was influenced forever due to the antisemitism of the German nazis and government during world war two. The holocaust was a result of the “need” to rid
Germany of the jews. As part of the final solution, almost two out of every three jews were killed . The country was not portraying a strong economy as they had before and were in a type of distress that was causing unrest in the Nation. The holocaust was a very influential event that changed the makeup of Germany and the race of the jews, as their population was lessened and many lived in fear for a long period of time …show more content…

The Nazis targeted anyone who they thought were “unfit” for their society. This is an example of how discriminations and social justice issues can destroy a society or harm it forever. To this day, the percentage of Jews in the world and Germany in particular is much smaller than it was at one time and from what it should be today. In conclusion, the holocaust was an extremely terrible event in world history and in the time frame of the second world war. There was large amount of discrimination and anti-Semitism against the Jews and others who were different from the societal norm in Germany at the time.
Jews and others lived in fear, many children and failed died due to the idea of the Germans that they were superior people and a superior race to everyone else. Germany was being run by a tyrannic and corruptive government that resulted in the genocide that is today known as the
Stalinist Russia:
The Ukrainian genocide is very unknown to society and is something that should be …show more content…

British writers and prime ministers visited the Ukraine and knowingly blocked reports and messages concerning the corruptive nature and harm in the Ukraine that was causing the genocide. They supported what was called the “soviet agrarian reform” and those who spoke out about the genocide were considered to be “fascist agents” and were looked down upon. After the genocide and famine of the Ukraine, in order to cover up what they had done to their own people, the soviets promoted the holocaust.
In conclusion, It took many years for the Ukraine to recover from this distress and economic blow to the Nation. Russian settlers were ordered into the Ukraine to revive valuable farmland and to burry the dead. Russians began to colonize the Ukraine, taking away their native culture and changing the demographic all together. Many to this day are unaware of the severity of the
Ukrainian genocide and how the amount of Ukrainians murdered is almost the same amount of people that were killed in the first world war. Until the Ukraine gained their much wanted independence in 1991, it was considered a crime top speak of the horrors of the genocide.

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