The cartoon is called “The Crooked House of Clintons” and the artist Ben Garrison is trying to inform the viewers of how corrupt Hillary really is with this cartoon. When you first look at the cartoon you see the FBI knocking on her door and to the right, you’ll see her daughter Chelsea depositing money into Hillary’s campaign in a cartoon version. The whole point of this cartoon is to show what Ben Garrison’s point of view of the presidential candidates. To the left you’ll see money in a washing machine being cleaned and hanging out on clothesline to dry. When you look to the second floor, you see Bill is upstairs fooling around with his intern Monica Lewinsky. On the third floor, you see Hillary is watching from the window and saying” It’s my turn you, @#$%*.” as all of the corruption goes down in her crooked house of Clinton. On the roof you see radical Islam is pushing gays off of the top of her house as a symbol that …show more content…
The tone of this cartoon is more serious than comical because yes, it is sending a serious message; it is also being comical in ways on Bill Clinton’s head being out of proportion of his body. The FBI officers are smaller than everyone else and Donald Trump is coming in with a wrecking ball and saying” I condemn this property, disgusting!!” to demolish the house and his head being abnormally large comes as comical. The tone of this illustration on the reader is telling them to beware of the Clintons because of how much they have hidden from the American people and their government. The setting of this cartoon is Hillary and Bill Clinton’s house, where all the chaos and corruption had began. There is so much going on, it is like a train wreck and you can’t help but watch. The events in this cartoon actually happened. The Clintons tried hiding it all in their little house of deceit and lies until like a house of cards it all came crashing
Going through this comic you find yourself looking at many innocent objects she uses to describe the way her house is set up. She refers to it as a museum. As we discover her dad sexual orientation, we find many of the objects resembles body parts. Other things like the painting of the
The documentary entitled, Watergate Plus 30: Shadow of History, documents the political decisions and environment within the Nixon Administration from 1969-1974. The documentary specifically details and describes the environment and culture in which the Watergate scandal could occur and the events and abuses of power that lead to its occurrence. Setting the tone and the political climate of the Nixon Administration was the Vietnam War; making him a wartime President, a war that he inherited from his predecessor. The Vietnam War faced a lot of opposition from the general public, with massive protests and political demonstrations by the younger generations and overall general public. Nixon’s presidency was surrounded by this climate amidst the
The faces in this political cartoon are very exaggerated, giving a very comedic feel. Obama's chin was made longer and he has huge ears. The Pope wasn't given a neck in this cartoon, as well as a big forehead. It makes the audience laugh due to the ridiculous illustrations.
On the afternoon of May 8, 1991, Arkansas state employee Paula Corbin Jones—of the Arkansas Industrial Development Commission-- works the registration desk at an official industrial conference in Little Rock, Arkansas (Motos, 1998). While working this event housed in an Arkansas hotel, the Governor of Arkansas requests Jones to meet with him in a business suite within the hotel. Therefore, Jones understood this request to be within the official state employee business. Hence, Jones obliged the governor’s request.
Almost ten years in the past, Bill Clinton’s story in the White House is all but written in stone. No matter the accomplishments the administration accomplished in its time, Clinton’s extramarital affair and subsequent impeachment will pervade, if not dominate, the president’s legacy. The major facts stand mostly undisputed: the president engaged in sexual activity with Monica Lewinsky and maneuvered to keep the affair secret, culminating in explicit lies to a grand jury. Republican opponents of the president had unreserved political motivations to remove the president from office. Revisiting this scandal with these facts would be both fatiguing and evasive of the underlying issues at stake. To truly gauge the justness of Clinton’s impeachment, one must look at the original intent of impeachment as well as its history with regard to other presidents. Furthermore, analyzing the investigation itself requires understanding specific motives and laws that both Democrats and Republicans took advantage of. Here we examine the ethics of the impeachment of former President Bill Clinton with regard to original Constitutional intent, historical precedent, and the political climate during his administration.
The goal of Hillary’s speech is to persuade her audience that her ideas are valid, by using ethos, pathos, and logos. Hillary is the First Lady and Senator, she shows credibility as an influential activist for woman rights. “Over the past 25 years, I have worked persistently on issues relating to women, children, and families. Over the past two and a half years, I’ve had the opportunity to learn more about the challenges facing women in my country and around the world” (Clinton 2).
This article really caught my attention and my eye. This article is very historical and has facts within it that date back to the 1700’s. The article talks about how political cartoons play a part with an election. Specifically the presidential elections and how each and every year cartoonist depicts the candidates as a some sort of superhuman. I believe that this article gives people some background on political cartoons and how they have helped play a part within the U.
In the political cartoon 5A, the first reaction you have is to laugh without knowing the deeper meaning behind it, and I guess that’s most people reaction if they don’t read the captions. In my opinion this cartoon represent two events of our country’s history, the “Democratic Split” and “The Nomination of Lincoln”. The main characters in this political cartoon are Abraham Lincoln, Douglas, and John C. Breckinridge. The chief symbols in this cartoon is the two rodents that’s split at the tail. Another chief symbol is the way Abraham Lincoln is carrying the two rodents on a stick, like they are very poisonous and the need to be gotten rid of. The split tail rodents represent the Democratic Party and how they are breaking apart and not working together. It represents how the Democratic Party is corrupt. The way the “Old Abe” is carry these two rodents is how anyone in NYC today reacts to the rats in the subway station, ‘They need to get rid of’; and that is what I think the artist of the cartoon was trying to portray, that Abraham Lincoln had to get rid of the pest that’s corrupting our nation.
Perhaps one of the most interesting times in a president’s administration is during the end of his term in office. Having reached the ultimate goal in a politician’s career, a president no longer has to worry about public opinion or any of the other political give and takes that usually influence a politician’s actions. He is truly free to act as he pleases almost free of consequences. Bill Clinton’s final days in office certainly demonstrated this fact. Using the ultimate unchecked executive power of clemency Clinton issued over 140 pardons and thirty six sentence commutations. He protected over a million acres of land through the creation of six new national monuments. He also nominated nine new federal judges. Clinton also issued a number of executive orders during this time. Unlike most previous presidents who laid low during their last days in office, Clinton was in a flurry of activity trying to exert some last bit of influence from his office. The reasons for his actions are wide spread, ranging from political to personal. The results of his actions were extensive, affecting many situations in the American political and judicial realms. The final days of Clinton administration may be the most controversial of a presidency that was full of tumult and plagued by scandals.
Terrorism has been a worldwide problem this past year causing mixed feelings, anxiety, and more awareness. Political cartoons are said to be an exaggerating and categorizing opinion of a persons’ point of views. In the drawing by Nate Beeler, Trump is unfairly prejudicing Muslims which seems to be acceptable by Adolf Hitler. The exaggeration could be understandable, but the truth underlying it could just be the obvious. The artist gives the impression of saying Donald Trump’s statements and ideas leave him to be identified with Hitler. The work is representing the idea that Trump’s discriminatory views towards all Muslims, including innocent, is no different than Hitler’s ideas pertained to the innocent Jews, making them to be in the same category. The artist can cause so many opinions, emotions, and thoughts just by adding this simple character to his work.
With that being said, I believe Hillary Clinton to be a completely credible author, since she has the proof to present herself as such. The ethos displayed in the commercial, or simply by hearing Hillary Clinton’s name and thinking of her qualifications, gives the viewer a solid idea of what type of author they are receiving a new point of view
The Watergate Scandal also known as the Watergate Affair was the scandal that brought down President Richard Nixon. Members of Nixon’s administration broke into DNC headquarters in the Watergate building to steal top secret documents and bug the office phones. The Watergate Scandal that occurred from 1972-1974 led to members of the Nixon administration fired and the resignation of President Richard Nixon. After Nixon resigned from his presidency, Gerald Ford took office in 1974. When he became president he issued a pardon on Nixon. Some people think Nixon should not have been pardon, and some people believe that it was right for Ford to pardon Nixon. Richard Nixon shouldn’t have been pardoned because he is deceptive,showed no integrity, his actions were despicable and he committed or ordered a felony.
The political cartoon "The Philosophic Cock", drawn by James Akin, depicts Thomas Jefferson 's head on a large, strutting rooster. A hen with a black female 's face, presumably Sally Hemings, walks slightly behind staring adoringly at Thomas Jefferson. The caption for the cartoon reads "Tis not a set of features or complexion or tincture of a skin that I admire." This cartoon was drawn to decrease Jefferson 's political power by brining to light his illicit, long-term affair with his slave Sally, with whom he is alleged to have several children with.
The United States (US) has always had some amount of political division, and this has become much more visible over the years. Much of the American public appears to genuinely believe that the Republicans and Democrats are fundamentally different and that these differences are near unreconcilable. Such beliefs were brutally apparent during the 2016 US Presidential Election between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. Despite this being the commonality, there are some outliers, some of which suggest that this division is nothing more than a façade. Illustrating his belief that the entire system is a fraudulent sham, Ben Garrison (the Rogue Cartoonist) draws an entity of truly massive proportions, marching onward as ever before whilst crushing people underfoot. Garrison uses a variety of symbolic images, including the enormous figure, the people on the ground, and the large megaphone to represent his perspective on the American political system.
Lately, the top story in the news day after day, months after months have been about William Jefferson Clinton, also known as Bill. Who could blame them, there is nothing better than a story out of the ordinary, especially one with presidential status. For the past months he has been the most talked about figure, being the essential topic for news, talk shows, late night comedy and even going as far as the big screen. Talk about 'Primary Colors' and 'Wag the Dog.' What has gotten to me the most however, were the constant flow of Republicans, along with a few Democrats, who just want to say how shocked and embarrassed they are along with the people of the United States.The president had not just become the most talked about figure, but also one history had ever seen, so far that is, breaking the record and becoming a topic of conversation and debate 'twenty-four seven.' The people, who I think were most affected by this crisis and feel very sad for, are the Republicans, since they had lost severe amount of sleep over the president's bedroom crisis. They had to perform their republican duties by shocking our brains with the president's affair with Monica Lewinsky. We had to ignore the rest of the world news and its issues while they plough through the valley of lies, abuse of power and something they called high crimes and misdemeanors.