Analysis Of Naomi Shihab Nye's Perspective On Poetry

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You’re a Poet and You Should Know It

(Essay on How Close We are to Poetry)

Cassandra Clare once said, “Only the very weak-minded refuse to be influenced by literature and poetry.” This is in a similar fashion to Naomi Shihab Nye’s perspective on poetry. Though people may like to pretend that poetry is not a part of everyday life, this is simply not the case. Poetry can be found all around, throughout the world, and everywhere you look. Poetry is not simply the act of stringing words together into lines and those lines into stanzas. Poetry is the beautiful way of thinking with a pen. Poetry allows one to express every feeling in the world in a few simple lines and stanzas. Throughout our lives, we are taught that poetry is for the weak and frail, for the depressed and the unhappy. But poetry speaks to all people at all times. I agree with Nye’s perspective on poetry because …show more content…

The most influential poetry I have ever encountered is slam poetry. Slam poetry is an extremely emotional practice in which poets write and present their own works whether by themselves or with a group of people. Slam poetry is so important because it addresses topics that many people do not want to talk about. For example, a common topic is that of rape and sexual assault. Many people have never discussed their experiences with sexual assault. However, poetry allows them to put their thoughts into words in the way that they often would not be able to do on their own. Slam poetry captures emotion and experience all in one, without sacrificing any detail or thought of the situation. Many people do not want to talk about their lives. But poetry makes it that much easier. For myself, I have found that poetry is one of the most expressive forms of release. Writing poetry is an almost euphoric state of mind. The release that xomes with it is unlike any high that a drug could ever give. It is an experience that everyone shouls

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