Analysis Of My Antonia By Willa Cather

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In the book, “My Antonia,” written by Willa Cather, talks about the life of an immigrant named Antonia. The feeling that the world is left out, like I was at the edge of it all outside of man’s jurisdiction is a relation Antonia and I have in common. Also with an interaction with a deadly rattlesnake was a flashback to when I encountered with a venomous serpent. Last, I relate to the curse of bad luck through life, which leads to me out of people’s minds, sitting in my own prison cell of life.
The feeling that the world is left out, like I was at the edge of it all outside of man’s jurisdiction is a relation Antonia and I have in common. There were times where I was in my own world, stuck outside of the original world. Like, it was a meditative …show more content…

I really do not know if it is a curse or it’s the choices I make, maybe it runs through the family genes. All I know is that I’m really not that good with communicating, so when I do communicate I have bad luck with keeping the conversation going. Whenever this happens, the person I’d be speaking to would look at me like, ‘wow this kids a tard.’ Subsequently, I’d walk away and sit in sorrow, living in my own prison, locked up in my mind, blocking out life, honestly. The pain I held in myself was a pull factor to be someone better, stronger, and wiser than the people I was surrounded with in my environment, as I thought as I was changing my life around this year just as usual, my curse of choosing a bad boy ventured on back to me while football ended. Football is like the only thing in my life where I’m myself, no one, nothing, or anything is on my mind. Leaving all the pain and people out of my mind. Free from all the bullshit in my life and doing me, doing what I love. The bad luck does not exist in any of my athletic abilities, it’s like I’m dumb as a board but athletic as a gymnast. If I was given the choice to exercise and work on my priorities, which are sports, I’d take advantage of that choice over than anything else, but the luck I have isn’t going to approach that opposition. A lot of people say everything in life is luck, but no luck is the opportunity that knocks at your door and you answer. The other thing you can’t forget is that luck isn’t in your hands, it is your decision in your hands, luck cannot decide for you, it’s your decision that makes luck, trust yourself. My trust in myself isn’t the belief in luck, it’s the belief in cause and effect. Everything has a cause and it also has an effect, so I hope you learned from my essay, because I did. Taught me that I wasn’t cursed of bad luck, it wised my mind that all the decisions I made had a

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