Analysis Of Life In The Bean Trees

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Even the toughest of lives often bring happiness in unexpected ways. Through Taylor’s experiences in The Bean Trees we see that it is easier to overcome hardships and find happiness when something important is let go. Many characters in the book, The Bean Trees, by Barbara Kingsolver, prove this idea to us in different ways. Taylor leaves her life behind to start a new one, Esperanza lets go of her child to move on, and Taylor also lets go on Estevan to respect Esperanza. We are introduced to this idea when Taylor let’s go of her old life, including her mother, to begin a new life full of experiences outside of Kentucky. After she leaves she states what she intended “to drive out of Pittman County one day and never look back, except maybe for Mama” (10). Starting a life by herself is so important to Taylor that she decides to let go of her life in Pittman County to grasp reality. Most …show more content…

Because she was never able to say goodbye to Ismene, when Esperanza let go of Turtle, she symbolically let go of Ismene. Estevan and Esperanza let go of something they truly loved but they explained how “maybe someday we will have more children, but now, now is hard” (214). Although Esperanza is suffering without Turtle or Ismene, she knows they have found peace and so will she with Estevan. Turtle constantly reminded Esperanza of Ismene and this takes away from her overall happiness. Taylor describes this heartbreak as “a mother and child in a world that could barely be bothered with mothers and children who were going to be taken apart” (215). The separation of Esperanza and Turtle symbolizes the separation of Esperanza and Ismene. Since Esperanza and Ismene never had a chance to say goodbye to each other in a way that they had hoped, this is Esperanza’s way of letting go of Ismene once and for all to begin her journey of a new

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