Analysis Of Gus Van Sant's Good Will Hunting And F. Scott Fitzgerald

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Gus Van Sant’s Good Will Hunting and F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby explore the themes of trauma and redemption through the creators unsystematic stories. Traumatic events and it’s effects on both protagonists are the main focus of the texts. Sant’s troubled genius, Will Hunting has difficulties connecting with individuals due to a history of emotional abuse. Fitzgerald’s famous romantic comes in the form of, Jay Gatsby, a financially successful man that has difficulties moving on from his former lover, Daisy. Both Jay and Will are on the path to self actualisation. Equally notable is the negative effects of the past on their personal lives and the different methods each character takes to overcome these experiences and grow. The creators …show more content…

Fitzgerald portrays Jay as a loveable millionaire during the roaring 20s who’s claim to fortune is the topic of controversy in Long Island, New York. Jay portrays himself to be a war hero and a kind host for party goers as he hosts elaborate parties each weekend at his mansion, with lavish spectacles to which people are desperate to be invited to. However under this facade is a deeply scarred man who pursued and embraced wealth to impress the women he once loved. Lack of love is the main component which breeds a traumatic experience. Will is the product of physical and emotional abuse and is motivated by the need for survival. The negative events which have lingered in the back of his mind, limited his potential. An orphan and low key genius, Will grew up in Boston and made friends with a group who had no future. There is no doubt Will is a genius with a lot of fear and in the film, Sant unravels how he escapes these fears. The fear of never fulfilling of their potential dangles over the minds of Jay and Will. Fitzgerald and Sant both use a character to help Jay and Will overcome their past. Jay has the support of his neighbour, Nick Carraway, who’s well suited to narrating the story of “The Great Gatsby” as he tells the reader “he is tolerant, open-minded, quiet and a good listener. As a result of this, Jay and many others find confidence in telling their stories and secrets to him. Similarly, …show more content…

A key sign is; the way an individual protects themselves from being hurt. Will’s condition is evident when watching his actions and the way he chooses to communicate with people. With his traumatic experience he learned how to fight and be defensive in all he encounters during his older years. Will uses his intelligence and interest in reading as a means of distancing himself from people. The psychological disorder depicted in the story really shows that human influence as well as their behaviour can also be the cause of psychological disorders. Unlike Will, Jay shields his insecurities with his wealth. Jay uses monetary incentives to lure and attract people to his personality. This is proved when Jordan Baker claimed “When I was here last I tore my gown on a chair, and he asked me my name and address – inside of a week I got a package from Croirier's with a new evening gown in it.” Clearly the opposite of Will, Jay appears very selfless and kind to his guests. The “American Dream” alludes the protagonists and blur their perceptions as they attempt to fulfil their destinies. Jay is evidence of the corruption of the “American Dream” as it was originally about the discovery of individualism and greed as Fitzgerald surrounds his entire text around the idea; Gatsby’s dream of loving Daisy is ruined by the difference in their respective

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