Analysis Of Giselle Boyer's Untwine

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It happened all too fast, the collision to laying in the hospital unable to move or speak in only the blink of an eye. Throughout the book Untwine, Giselle Boyer faces many problems when she is caught in a sudden accident that kills her twin sister, Isabelle Boyer. Giselle Boyer is a 16 year old girl with a twin sister who is also her best friend. The two sisters are Haitian and are both the same height, five feet and eleven inches, just like their father. Giselle loves to draw and wishes to be a future artist and likes to swim rather than playing an instrument. This is how she differs from Isabelle. Isabelle is a very musical person who appreciates music as well as playing the flute in her school’s orchestra. The story begins in Miami, …show more content…

They talk about many things, from conflicts between the two of them to future plans. They spot something in the sky that Giselle has seen millions of times in the same garden with Isabelle, a glory. Giselle remembers something she used to do with Isabelle when they saw something like that and persuades Tina to do it with her in favor of Isabelle. It was for them to each say half a goodbye to the glory, as Isabelle would want for it to keep coming back. The story ends with Tina and Giselle saying …show more content…

As shown throughout the story, Giselle has a hard time accepting Isabelle’s death. Even when Giselle was paralyzed in the hospital, she couldn’t help but remember when Isabelle was alive. Even in her dreams she would imagine she was talking to Isabelle. When she found out about the person who had crashed into their car that night, she did not let it go easily. She went through the trouble of finding out who this person really was and why she did it. That way she felt that she avenged her sister. In the end when Giselle and Tina each say a half goodbye to the glory, it is probably a goodbye from Giselle to Isabelle and for her to finally accept it. Untwine shows a family going through a tragic loss but eventually learning to accept that loss. This book sends the message that no matter how tragic an event is, there is always light at the end of the tunnel. Although Giselle faced many problems, she was able to continue on in life without her sister physically by her

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