Analysis Of Get USand Up By Bob Marley

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These songs made their way throughout history. People listened to these songs during protests and rallies when they wanted to feel a sense of prosperity. For example, during 2011, protesters on Occupy Wall St. scattered around the world “challenging social and economic inequality, as well as corporate greed and its influence upon government policy. The uncompromising sentiments expressed on Bob Marley's “Get Up Stand Up”, lyrics that are repeatedly chanted at these demonstrations, seem to have directly inspired the protesters’ dissenting stance: “Some people think a great God will come down from the sky, take away everything and make everybody feel high/but if you know what life is worth, you will look for yours on earth and now we see the light, we’re gonna stand up for our rights!””

As reggae music became more popular, their messages steadily began to penetrate the minds of Bob Marley's fellow audience. Bob Marley and the Wailers had another album that was more confrontational but seemed to get the point across to religious and political officials. This album was titled “Confron...

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