Analysis Of Feliks Skrzynecki

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Peter Skrzynecki’s poem Feliks Skrzynecki explores the concept of belonging and how it differs for everyone by showing his fathers and his relationship to belonging. This poem is a tribute to his father Felix Skrzynecki who is an independent man and a survivor, we see this when he says “But I’m alive” he has been through some hardships but has kept a positive view on things, Peter Skrzynecki shows his father has ownership as he has created a place where he belongs, how he chooses to belong or not, this also expresses Peter’s resentment for the garden as he does not know how to create a place like his father has. The garden, “loved like an only child”, is a symbol for Poland, the homeland of the father. The composer furthermore contributes to this idea by saying “swept its paths ten times around the world.” The use of this hyperbole emphasizes Feliks Skrzynecki’s strong connection with his garden for it is the only place in his world in which he truly belongs. The poem contrast Peter Skrzynecki against Feliks Skrzynecki, how Peter Skrzynecki’s lack of involvement in his cultural inheritance and his lack of belonging in this domain juxtaposed to his father who has very strong connections and sense of belonging to his heritage.

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