Analysis Of Bedecked By Victoria Redel

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Humans are not born with a label, they are taught to adhere to certain principles after suffering judgement from others. It is often found that gender is a barrier that prevents humans from experimenting. One finds that he or she cannot partake in an activity in fear of being judged and labeled. The poem Bedecked by Victoria Redel criticizes people’s judgement on her son, as he does not conform to societal standards. Gender and their associated stereotypes are presented in the poem through mundane items, purposeful diction, and the the motif of jewels. To begin, the poem presents gender and their associated stereotype with items usually linked to one gender. As the poem opens Redel addresses her sons “scarlet nails” that are decked with “rings’ and “jewels.” As nail polish and jewelry are typically feminine items, one can sense the challenge in Redel’s tone as she describes her son wearing them. Additionally, Redel presents the items “a truck with a remote that revs” and “Hot wheels” to introduce items that generally young boys own. These toys are described since society would prefer her son to play with such toys rather than to “love the glitter.” Thus, gender stereotypes are presented in mundane items that typically the opposite sex does not experiment with. This interaction is looked down upon by others, but Redel is …show more content…

In the first stanza Redel’s usage of “sports” does not literally translate to an athletic sport, but it does connotate it, as a sport is normally a male pastime. The diction of “pink” also alludes to a gender stereotype, as pink is usually a color that symbolizes femininity and delicateness. However, Redel uses the word in her son’s description to imply that her son does not need to heed to such “rules.” Ergo, Redel molds her language to present common gender stereotypes that she feels her son should not have to

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