Analysis Of Antigone 'By Sophocles' Ode To Man

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According to Sophocles, Antigone, “Ode to Man” describes the how we should live our personal lives by reminding, “He ventures once toward evil, then toward good. If he honors the laws of the land and the right attested by the Gods. Then may his city prosper. But homeless shall he be if he boorish debases himself.” With the help from the great philosophers of ancient Greece such as Socrates, Plat and Aristotle were consisted to be the first people in history to question, “How should we live our lives?” After their studies, they have found two results of how we should live our lives to the fullest. First, the individual and their social surroundings are strongly influence on the individual’s character within their community and the actual connections …show more content…

Such as on August 24, 1844, which was Liberation Day is when Gaulle willing enters Paris with the Allied forces including Ernest Hemingway had to fight through the manipulation of people through parades and celebrations which eventually lead to him becoming the leader of the French people. Although, as mentioned before Charles de Gaulle was a hero for the people of France. However, in 1958 Charles de Gaulle had the chance to be in full control the provisional government and was eventually he become president of the Fifth Republic from 1959-1969. Oddly enough, Gaulle was compared to Napoleon because of the following reasons: the both wanted to seek to restore the French as a dominant European power, attempted to try to keep the British and the United States out of European affair, help improved the development of nuclear …show more content…

According to former Baptist minister and civil rights activist, Martin Luther King, Jr., he once describes, “If a man hasn’t discovered something that he will die for, he isn’t fit to live.” During this time history, while growing up in the South, the idea of whites and black individuals could come together as one and being considered as equals towards one another. While growing up in the South, despite that fact down the South they felt that everyone should remain separate with one another because of the color his skill. King was known for leading the civil rights movement in the United States. As a leader, he had used the nonviolent, or peaceful, to protest to try to get equal rights for African Americans. No matter how tough things, King never lost track of his original message and he had the power to inspire in followers along the way. Although, he was assassinated years before he could see this full progress of creating a world where all African Americans were considered to equals was shorted lived but his dream of a better day never died and eventually the passion of change will change the course of America history to the years to

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