Analysis Of And Then There Was Agatha Christie

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And Then There Was Agatha
Specific events of Agatha Christie’s life and the historical period in which she lived directly shaped the major themes, characters, and plot devices found in And Then There Were None. This paper will discuss both the significant personal events that Christie experienced as well as the broader historical context in which these events occurred. The paper will then discuss particular examples of the themes and characters that reflect these influences.
Success came fairly early for Christie. Her first novel, The Mysterious Affair at Styles, was published in 1920 when she was only thirty years old. Many of Christie’s books had reoccurring characters such as Miss Marple, Poirot, and Harley Quin. Miss Marple is an older woman who does not look like the average detective. Christie got her inspiration for the character from looking at the older ladies in the towns she lived in as a child. Poirot is a stout little Belgian man who could have been the best detective of all time. She got her inspiration for his character from the Belgian expatriates. Harley Quin was one of Christie’s favorite characters. He is more of a supporting character who helps the lead detective in her stories. She truly hit her peak in the late 1920’s when “she published four non-series mystery novels, fourteen Poirot novels, two Marple novels, two Superintendent Battle books, a book of stories featuring Harley Quin and another featuring Mr. Parken Pyne, an additional Mary Westmacott book, and two original plays” (“Agatha Christie – Books and Biography” 3). Christie wrote all of her romantic novels under the name of Mary Westmacott. “More than 400 million copies of her novels and short stories have been sold and her works have been tran...

... middle of paper ... evil, can that truly be considered a just punishment? “Christie explores the line that divides those who act unjustly from those who seek to restore justice” (“Agatha Christie – Books and Biography” 12). Ultimately in the case on Indian Island, there can be no judge of who is wrong and right because every character is eventually killed off by another. Everyone who comes into the island stays there forever. Those factors alone make this mystery novel different from all the rest.
Agatha Christie is one of the most famous mystery novelists of all time. The reasons for her success directly relate to her life experiences, whether positive or negative. Without the hardships she faced and the adventures she experienced, her novels would not have the depth and diversity they do. With her success she set the standard for generations of mystery novelists to come.

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