Analysis Of A Wall Of Fire Rising

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“A Wall of Fire Rising” is a story of poor peasant working man named Guy who is trying all his best to provide a decent living and a sincere meal and also desired the need to escape their native country for the greener meadows in America. Throughout the story there is a conflict that grows from start to finish. It is a struggle between doing what is right for your family and living life in order to make yourself happy and feel complete and right. The idea of freedom comes up with little Guy's speech and Guy's outlook on life. The idea of the wall of fire may be significant in that it stands for looming downfall, or having feelings, emotions, or conflicts pile up inside of a person to the point of breaking. The main character, Guy, has lived a life he did not feel was enough for him or for his family. He wants more for his son but at the same time cannot live with himself for not being about to provide for his family. So much of his life was run by the decisions of others, what work would come and when, that I feel that the title really has a significance when it comes to letting all...

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