Examples Of Suspense In An Occurrence At Owl Creek Bridge

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In Ambrose Bierce “An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge” Bierce maintains suspense throughout the entire short story. There are many examples of suspense through the story such as the clock ticking, the setting, and the events leading up to him being pushed through the bridge. He applies a lot of imagery in the setting and in foreshadowing to help produce suspense throughout the story. The first example of suspense is the clock ticking. “What he heard was the ticking of his watch” which shows his amplified senses as he is dying. This is suspense because you can literally hear time running out, the time of his life is growing shorter and shorter. Time is not in Farquhar’s favor. At the very beginning of the story he is mostly already out of time. So the clock ticking is a representation of how is life is about to come to an end. …show more content…

The setting is on a bridge and then is a forest till he reaches his house. He uses a lot of imagery in the forest to show that his time is wasting away such as when he says “The black bodies of the trees formed a straight wall on both sides” that is his peripheral vision wasting away as he is dying. The longer he is running the more eerie the Alabama forest becomes, because he is coming close to death which is scary, and eerie itself.
Another example of suspense is the events leading up to Farquhar’s death. Some of the events including the union man tricking Farquhar to try to burn the bridge, him actually trying to burn it, the federal scout came to execute him, the extensive proper preparation involved before the execution. The military being

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