An Eye For An Eye Is Ineffective Essay

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"An eye for an eye", one phrase that is used as more than just fiction and in some countries it is the basis of their criminal law. The phrase "an eye for an eye" in the criminal world refers to the term retaliation; the law of retaliation. It's the principle that a person who has done harm to another person is penalized to a similar degree. For example, someone who takes a life might expect to give up his or her own life in return. This concept is suppose to present to people that the punishment for their crime will be just given to the same degree as the crime that was done. However, in this day and age people have no regard for consequences and many expect to get away with their crimes therefore making this concept of punishment hard and unable to be an effective deterrent. One reason this concept for punishment is ineffective is because many people have no regard for consequences. Some people don't think about the fact that there are payments that need to be paid for every action that is made. There should be many things in peoples lives that discourages them from …show more content…

There are crimes committed all the time and with many of these crimes people do not want to face the consequences for their actions. Sometimes this leads to people running, hiding, and skipping town to get away from the law. It's almost as if they believe if they aren't around they won't get caught of become a suspect. However, there cannot be just one main reason to determine why people believe they will get away with their crime. Some may believe answering the right questions the correct way will get them off, or blending in with every day life, or moving to another state or across the country will help their case. Either way they choose to go, they feel that these action will help them get away free of punishment after committing a

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