An Examination of the Goals of Higher Education

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Higher education exists to produce knowledge. This mission is accomplished by researchers and teachers, working in cooperation, with the goal of producing educated citizens. It is through research, innovation, and teaching that we improve our society. Education of the whole person was one of the earliest goals of higher education. Today there are many competing goals that influence the missions and funding philosophies tied to public universities. In chapter one of How to succeed in school without really learning: the credentials race in American education, David Labaree (1997) identifies three defining goals of education. In order to provide context to how the three goals can be in competition or alignment, two pieces will be used to analyze the goals. The first is an article regarding the role of the government in financing higher education (Baum, 1995) and the second document, The Arizona higher education enterprise: Strategic realignment 2010 forward, is the Arizona Board of Regents (ABOR) strategic plan (ABOR, 2010).
The Defining Goals of Education
The three goals of education are: social efficiency, social mobility, and democratic equality (Labaree, 1997). They are best understood by comparing and contrasting them according to various philosophical dimensions used to answer questions like, “how much education should one person get?” or is “higher education intended to be a public or private good?”
Social Efficiency
If higher education’s purpose was solely based on the goal of social efficiency students would only get as much education as they needed for a job, and no more. This educational attainment is not driven by competition or status. It is a combination of private and public interest, but viewed more ...

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...igher education. The three goals cannot all be met without sacrificing an element of one goal for the promotion of another. The goals will frequently be in conflict with one another providing opportunity for critical debate about the central mission of higher education.

Works Cited

Arizona Board of Regents. (2010). The Arizona higher education enterprise: Strategic realignment 2010 forward. Phoenix, AZ: Arizona Board of Regents.

Baum, S. (1995). The federal role in financing higher education: an economic perspective. Paper presented at the National Conference on the Best Ways for the
Federal Government to Help Students and Families Finance Postsecondary Education October 8-9, 1995.

Labaree, D. F. (1997). How to succeed in school without really learning: the credentials race in American education. (pp. 1-52).New Haven, Conn.: Yale University

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