An Analysis Of Women's Rights To The Suffrage Speech By Susan B. Anthony

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Have you ever been treated unfairly because you are a girl? Well I have, which is why I found the Women’s Rights to the Suffrage speech by Susan B. Anthony the most compelling. Our founding fathers promised every citizen of the United States of America equal rights, but women are being deprived of some of these rights, in this case the right to vote. She was promised this right but then reprimanded for exercising it which was clearly stated for all people.
The most important main idea is that women are people. She says “It was we, the people; not we, the white, male citizens.” (Anthony) All people who are citizens were guaranteed these rights. Our founding fathers as well as the constitution state this and we are supposed to abide by them. The author used logos because she uses logic and facts to make the audience believe what she is saying because she is backing it up with cold, hard evidence. She says”... The alleged crime of having voted…”(Anthony) She believed that her getting arrested was unjustified and wrong. She as well as other women’s rights activists believe it was not a crime for a woman to vote. She refers to the US as “...A hateful oligarchy of sex..”(Anthony) People are being judged automatically based on their gender not who they are as a person despite America’s promise to …show more content…

The gettysburg address and constitution that all citizens regardless of their race or gender have this basic right. However, women were being denied this right. “… A violation of the supreme law of the land.”(Anthony) Shwe also says “...Guaranteed to me and all united states citizens.” She uses facts from the constitution to persuade people that she is not guilty. “ Without having the lawful right to vote…” (Anthony) She proves that she did in fact have the lawful right to vote during that election, as well as every other citizen of

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