An Analysis Of The Advertising Campaign For Chipotle 'The Scarecrow'

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In present time why is it so important to know where our food comes from? People will say it is important to know how our foods are being prepared because there can be major health issues when we consume chemically filled meals. Are the signs that say our goods come from a farm where animals are well treated true? Or are they all lies? The ad campaign for Chipotle title “The Scarecrow” are able to answer these questions. It may not directly provide the answer, but with a thorough analysis the answer could be unveiled. The ad is directed towards the working class and the owner’s class. The ads message is to inform people that not all foods are organic and they imply that chipotle makes their food from purely organic ingredients. That gives …show more content…

In the video the people who are considered corrupt are the crows and the crows are coloured black. Throughout the video there have been scenes where the crows have been forcing the scarecrows into doing awful tasks. The personality the crows carry are they are aggressive, pushy and that they are ultimately the bad guy. On the other hand in the imaginary world the white people are considered the majority. The way white people are portrayed in the ad campaign is that they are considered the passive listeners and that they are part of the middle class. In our society all of this cannot be said about black or white people because everybody is different. This ad clearly distorts social reality due to the categorizing of people. A black male can be a kind and caring person and a white male can be the complete opposite. The ad is categorizing these people by colour making the black people look evil and the white people being completely innocent to what is going on. The owners of these big food industries are white males, for example the owner of Kentucky fried chicken who is Colonel Sanders who is a white male. In the media KFC is said to torture and mistreat their chickens by “Jumping up and down on live chickens, dropkicking them like footballs” in the video there is a scene where the chicken is being injected with chemicals. The ad is switching up the stereotype by having the black characters at the top and making the white people look innocent. The idea of a black food industry owner can be considered as corrupt and if it were a white male it would be ran in an improved manner. This distorts reality because in our society today the man with the most power in the world is Barack Obama who is a black male. It is the viewer’s choice whether to accept the reality in the ad or

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