An Analysis Of Margaret Atwood's Oryx And Crake

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An altruistic person is defined as a person who is selfless and cares more about the well being of others. On the other hand, a mad scientist is contrary of an altruistic person: someone willing to create and promote inhumane experiments for the sake of one’s amusement and contentment. Although both personalities contravene with each other, it is possible to have both identities in one body. Margaret Atwood introduces Crake as a character who exhibits the two discordant makeups in the novel Oryx and Crake. Atwood portrays such character by representing Crake as a smart mad scientist that with the goal to “save the world” creates the Paradice project of altering human-like creatures with the goal of eliminating human imperfections, and inventing the BlyssPluss pill that promotes immortality, which eventually causes the humanity’s downfall. Although Crake’s logic is twisted, Atwood also represents him as a character that possesses the heart of an honourable and benevolent humankind willing to resolve a variety of the world’s crisis and helping his friend out during their time of distress.
Crake is a smart and logical person. In attempt to create the perfect world for humans, Crake started the Paradice project: the creation of genetically spliced humanoids called “Crakers” that lacks human imperfections. The pursuit to save the world from …show more content…

He is seen as an altruistic person willing to save the world from its imperfections and being selfless in terms of friendship. The altruism in him leads him to be a mad scientist: someone who has twisted logic creating a lunatic persona in him. His attempt to make a world that lacks human imperfections made him a madman thinking he has the same capabilities as God. Regardless of the intelligence Crake possesses, he lacks opinion on humanity that directed him in the world of mad science. His strive to save the humans from mortality ironically caused the humanity’s

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