Amir's Last Betrayal

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After the entire faithful years of serving Amir’s household Ali has been betrayed by Amir. After the abhorrent incident Hassan had experienced Ali encountered Amir if anything had happened the night before and Amir lied to his face. Not even hesitating Amir lied to him without thinking on what Amir was going through after the rape. Amir betrayed Ali’s trust knowing what his son has experienced. Not even once in Amir’s thought on what Baba had told him "When you tell a lie, you steal someone's right to the truth…” (18) which he had remotely taken away from Ali. The day Hassan was being framed for stealing Amir’s watch and envelopes with money he caused pain knowing Hassan would ever steal. Ali has lived for years in Baba’s home to spot Amir when he was lying “[he] was a lair, a cheat, and a thief” (105) but at the end Ali was glad that it was all over at the end of the day he was only a servant.

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