American Era Dbq

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There were many key factors and exciting factors that played a role in what is to be considered the turbulence times. One factor in this era was the Kennedy administration. Kennedy and his administration made a point that they wanted the country back to what it was built on. They wanted equal rights in the country and also peace in the world. Kennedy worked behind the scenes to have MLK, JR released from jail. The civil rights and the Jim Crow law were enforced in this era. There were still riots and marches going on still fighting against racial equality. The whites still believed they were the supreme race over the blacks. Not only were the blacks fighting for their rights the women were fighting also for more rights themselves. Then came the Vietnam war and its costly affects. During this period, the Cold war was intensifying and it caused the United States to intensify its policies against the allies of the Soviet Union. The space race was also huge in this era as Sputnik was the first man-made satellite to orbit the …show more content…

Reagan became president in 1981. Reagan destroyed his opponent in the election winning by 51%. Shortly after Reagan became president there was an assassination attempt toward him on March 30, 1981 but he came out un-harmed. Reagan’s focus and policies were to reduce the government from taking money from people. He did increase the military spending budget but also took away from social programs that were not so important. Reagans theory was that tax-cuts helped increase growth. There was hard times during his era when there was a period of prosperity and that led to budget deficits. In 1987 Reagan signed agreement with Mikhail Gorbachev to eliminate intermediate-range nuclear missiles. Reagan also made history by assigning the first woman to the supreme court. Reagan achieved many great things and helped establish the grounds for our present-day

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