American Beauty Pageants

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The American dream is a nightmare When it comes to beauty, no one can compete against America. It is known for being big and loud when it comes to beauty and it is a billion dollar industry. This is because all Americans want that ultimate dream, that American dream, but this dream has turned into a nightmare as its propaganda is affecting Children and teenagers psychologically and physically. American is the birth place of beauty pageants but to play in this ball park comes with a price. America’s obsession with outer beauty is a huge billion dollar industry across the globe that started in America which branched out to other countries such as Australia,united kingdom and New Zealand.Girls of all ages compete in beauty pageants,these beauty …show more content…

Though some girls have tough parents to keep them well behaved we see not only are the girls the stars also the mothers,there are parents that have set no bars and child has gotten corrupted by the beauty industry an example of this is on the toddlers and Tiaras reality television site we see a video of a young girl call Brenna that the parents and trainer can not get to stop screaming and throwing fits of anger but the parents just say on the television ‘she has a Unique personality.’ …show more content…

There are high numbers of anorexic and bulimic teenagers after watching programs like Americas next top model and Miss United States of America using the media to target the younger generation by using propaganda for example you can not step outdoors with out seeing advertisements on benches, busses and television advertisements for Americas next top models , they are next to literally rubbing it in their faces.This effect is making teenagers question their own self image after growing up surrounded by negative influences of beauty such as Barbie. Barbie has been around for decades telling children you don't need to be smart just tall,blonde and slim and you can do anything, as well as barbie with television theirs also Disney, Because of unrealistic Disney princesses that have been around for years there is now a illness called Princess Syndrome (PS) where a child will try to physically and emotionally alter herself to look and act like a Disney princess, on a

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