Alyssa Pallato Drug Addiction Simulation

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Addiction Simulation Alyssa Pallatto Drugs and Behavior PS-220-BO Dr. MacLean March 17, 2024. The documentary “Heroin(e)” focuses on the opioid epidemic. This documentary follows three influential women in Huntington, West Virginia: Jan Rader, Judge Patricia Keller, and Necia Freeman. Throughout the crisis, each of these women is battling the epidemic and examining how the crisis is affecting their communities. In addition to their compassion, these women provide an example of the unwavering dedication needed by those struggling with substance use disorders. An insightful look into the devastating effects heroin has on communities is provided by the film. In Huntington, Jan Radar is the deputy chief of the fire department. …show more content…

The "Heroin(e)" sheds light on some of the consequences of the epidemic. For example, the legal consequences or habits associated with drug use, such as theft and prostitution. Furthermore, there is the idea of public harm. Through injuries, infections, and costs, the epidemic affects the broader community. The dangers to one's mental and physical wellbeing, such as withdrawal, are also discussed. The most impactful part of the documentary was the film starting off and ending with Jan driving to an overdose call. As a result, it illustrates the cycle and highlights the normalization of this tragic epidemic. It is heartbreaking to see first responders numb to purple, unconscious bodies. The sight of lifeless bodies being dragged was upsetting. Those people have names and a future that can be taken from them in an instant. Each of us needs love and assistance as a human being. While each woman had her own life and never crossed paths, they demonstrated interconnected roles by caring for their community. The three of them were compassionate and empathic. Their respect for individuals was evident, and they were conscious not to stigmatize anyone. Despite the challenges, they devote their lives to helping others. Huntington Fire Department

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